Best Essential Oils for Weight Loss and Well-Being


Essential Oils for Weight Loss

You may have heard about essential oils for relaxation, Skin & Beauty care and pain relief, but did you know that you can use Essential Oils for Weight Loss too? No, essential oils aren't some magical potion that will make you drop 30 pounds in 30 days, but by ingesting, diffusing or applying essential oils topically; you can promote weight loss by giving your body what it needs to burn fat, stay active and reduce cravings.

Essential Oils for Weight Loss and Well-Being


Peppermint Oil

Not only does Peppermint Essential Oil boost energy levels – which allows you to maximize your workouts – but it can also help soothe sore muscles, minimize recovery time and help you get back to working out sooner. Research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that ingesting peppermint oil with water enhanced exercise performance in male athletes by relaxing the bronchial smooth muscles and increasing the ventilation and brain oxygen concentrations. In other words, the concoction made it easier to power through intense exercise without getting out of breath.

Additionally, peppermint is a natural energizer that reduces fatigue and improves focus, so you can keep your eyes on your Weight Loss goal. It also reduces hunger cravings and can help you to feel full faster.

Peppermint oil has a cooling sensation when you use it topically, so just rubbing one to two drops into your temples and behind your neck can give you the energy and pain relief you need. You can also diffuse peppermint oil for a quick energy boost; add five to 10 drops to bathwater to soothe achy muscles; add one to two drops to a glass of water; or even mix in a couple drops with your toothpaste before brushing.

Lemon Oil

Research shows that breathing in the scent of lemon essential oil improves the neurological activity that promotes the breakdown of body fat. Lemon oil actually has both stimulating and calming properties, and it promotes a positive mood, which can be extremely helpful when you are working to reach your Weight-Loss Goals. It also enhances the body's detoxification capabilities and supports healthy digestion – an all-important factor when you're trying to lose weight.

Try adding two to three drops of lemon oil to water, salad dressing or a smoothie, or you can diffuse it at home or at work. If you are feeling groggy during the day, inhale lemon oil directly from the bottle for a quick pick-me-up.

Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit Essential oil helps to activate enzymes in the body that work to break down body fat. Grapefruit benefits weight loss because it contains compounds like D-limonene, which helps to support your metabolism and cleanse your lymphatic glands so they can carry nutrients between the tissues and the bloodstream. Studies also show that using grapefruit oil affects autonomic nerves, which regulate important body functions like heart rate and digestion, and reduce appetite and body weight.

To use grapefruit Essential Oils to Help Lose Weight, add two to three drops to a glass of water, diffuse it in your home or office, or massage two to three drops onto your chest and wrists when a craving strikes.


One of the most important benefits of ginger essential oil is its ability to support digestion and the absorption of nutrients. By improving the absorption of the Vitamins and minerals that you're consuming, ginger oil is supporting the body's cellular energy and, in effect, promoting weight loss. A key compound in ginger oil, called gingerol, also effectively reduces inflammation in the body and possesses antioxidant activity. This process naturally reduces pain and swelling, which helps keep you active and burning more calories.

Essential Oils for Well-Being

It seems everyone’s into essential oils these days. Novices quickly become big fans who share stories about their favourite oil: the one that makes them feel energised, promotes deep sleep, helps them relax or de-stress.

For anyone new to or still discovering essential oils it can be hard to know where to start or where to go next. We think a great place to start or continue your essential oils journey is with oils for health and wellbeing. Why? Because essential oils are often a safe, natural, and effective alternative to chemical laden products and medicines. So, here are five Essential Oils for Well-Being that can boost your health and wellbeing:


Taking the number one spot for good reason, Lavender Essential Oil with its fresh and floral aroma can promote physical and mental health. It’s made from lavender flower buds and is used in aromatherapy oils, baths salts and more. There are heaps of reasons to invest in a bottle of pure oil. It can be applied topically for skin problems (like acne, eczema and dry skin) and to soothe headaches, cuts and stings. Or, if you have trouble sleeping, try diluting lavender oil with water and use it as a pillow spray for deeper sleep. It can help with stress or anxiety too – just add a few drops to a warm bath to feel calm and relaxed.


It’s likely you’re familiar with eucalyptus as koala food. But what you may not know is that eucalyptus oil is extracted from the very same leaves that koalas feast on! It’s an oil that really is essential, especially as the colder weather approaches. Why? Eucalyptus oil is great for avoiding colds and the ‘flu thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It’s also said to stimulate the immune system and combat lung inflammation. Eucalyptus Essential Oil really can be your first port of call if you’re coming down with a cold or are congested. To clear your sinuses, for example, just add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and steam your face for a few minutes.


In our top five for its all-round calming properties, chamomile oil comes from the chamomile flower and has a mild scent. It’s a soothing oil that can calm the body and mind and help with everything from anxiety to insomnia, and restlessness. As it’s a mood-lifting oil, chamomile is also perfect if you’re feeling a little low – it can even be used for depression. Like lavender oil, chamomile is great for skin health and can come in handy for eczema, dermatitis, and more.


Often called the ‘King of Oils’, frankincense has a warm, spicy aroma. Although it may seem a little bit pricey, we think Frankincense Essential Oil is worth the splurge – not least because it’s the perfect yoga or meditation companion. Diffuse it in an aromatherapy oil diffuser for a quieter mind and increased focus during yoga practice or to enhance the spirituality of your meditation. And there’s more – frankincense can be go-to oil for psychological conditions like anxiety, fear, nervousness and panic attacks.


Bergamot oil comes from the peel of a citrus fruit. It’s the oil that gives earl grey tea a distinctive scent and is also used widely in aromatherapy. Bergamot oil should be part of your oil toolkit for its calming effects. Research shows bergamot oil can relieve stress, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation of the nervous system. You can diffuse Bergamot Essential Oil in an aromatherapy diffuser, add it to a warm bath, or dilute a few drops with coconut oil and apply topically to the skin.


